Choose genetic improvement as a long-term solution

What is special about our AI bucks?

Our GIC AI bucks are bred in the worldwide unique GIC nucleus program. On the farms of our nucleus farmers all over the world, we record the performance of thousands of dairy goats in different countries.
Our innovative breeding program focuses on healthy, efficient, problem-free goats with high milk production. The data from nucleus farms in different countries, with different climates and different management systems allows us to provide the most suitable genetics for local conditions around the world.

With the data that GIC registers and the collaboration with universities, you as a dairy goat farmer receive genetics with the lowest use of antibiotics and the highest lifetime production per goat.

Our bucks provide fertile, healthy, productive and sustainable goats for our customers.

Highest health status

One of the basic conditions for a profitable business is the health of your animals. At GIC's AI stations we have met the highest possible health protocols to offer you, as a goat farmer, semen of the highest disease-free status. All our bucks are regularly tested for more diseases than just the well-known CL, CAE and Paratbc. GIC is able to ship semen worldwide due to the highest disease-free status of our AI bucks. GIC's semen fully meets the requirements of your gouverment.
GIC sets very strict requirements for the health status of our nucleusfarms. All GIC nucleusfarms have certificates (that are officially recognized by the government) that they are free of diseases (CL and CAE free), carry out extra tests on bulk milk and examine all individual parents of our AI bucks.

GIC works every day to provide semen worldwide of the highest disease-free status with the strongest health protocols possible.

Select the best AI bucks for your goats

Fertile, healthy, productive and sustainable. That are the characteristics of the goats you get when you use the semen of GIC bucks in your herd. Our genetics is a long-term solution that gives you profitable and sustainable goats for your farm. The semen of the GIC AI bucks is available all over the world. Please do not hesitate to contact our office to know more about which specific AI bucks are available in your country. We are more than happy to help you.

Do you want to know more about GIC Saanen?

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