
aAa code: 516
Birth date: 30-12-2019
Eartag number: NL100210398753
Breeder: Fam. Nooteboom


Father: NH Lightning
Mother's father: NH Japio
Grandmother's father: NH Goor

GIC Index: 104

✓ Ideal goats for processing a lot of roughage.

✓ The mother of NH Moonlight GIC scored 90 points for development and achieved a lifetime production of 11,493 kg (6.3 kg milk average per day).

✓ The mother of the father produced a lifetime production of 6043 kg milk (4.8 kg milk average per day) with 4.20% fat and 3.44% protein from an 87 point udder. She also received 88 points for legs.

✓ NH Moonlight GIC “daughters have the same strength and power as their father”.

Performance mother 

Kg milk/day: 6,3
Total lifetime production: 11.493
% Fat: 3,58
% Protein: 3,09
Number of lactations: 3

Conformation mother 

General: 83
Type: 84
Development: 90
Legs: 80
Udder: 81

Daughter of NH Moonlight “05733”
1.0 predicted 350 days production 
1988 kg milk with 4,14% fat and 3,17% protein

Daughter of NH Moonlight “67990”
1.0 predicted 350 days production 
1858 kg milk with 4,00% fat and 3,24% protein

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